Impact and outcomes measurement for nonprofits

Affordable software for outcomes-driven nonprofits, public foundations, social enterprises and NGOs looking to better understand how their initiatives impact people.

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Socialsuite’s end-to-end nonprofit solution helps teams to start, improve and scale impact measurement in MONTHS, not years.

A collaborative, simplified approach to powerful social impact measurement.

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Step 1

Experienced Impact Coach

Our partners provide expert coaching to help you develop your theory of change and implement our system

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Step 2

Impact measurement platform

Our integration ensures secure and safe global deployment. Our system tracks outcomes for nonprofits, NGOs and healthcare organizations.

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Step 3

Your long-term impact solution

Our system charts your impact over the longer term, using attractive visual outputs that make your progress easy to understand.

Are you ready to begin your impact measurement journey? Tell us about yourself to get started

Case studies

Meet the organizations using Socialsuite’s impact software and coaching solution to show the change they are making to the world.

Mission Edge builds capacity for impact measurement with Socialsuite within 4 months

Social impact measurement is mission critical for many nonprofits. With clearer, more reliable data, organizations can secure increased funding, and engage board members, beneficiaries, and other stakeholders – while also freeing up resources to continue their important work. Mission Edge commenced its outcomes measurement journey with the help of Socialsuite - and they haven’t looked back since.

How Playgroup SA is using impact measurement to improve early childhood development

Parents, families and carers are a child’s most important teachers in the early years of development. The first five years help shape a child’s long-term development, their success, health and wellbeing. And while most Australian children under five years-old are on-track for a healthy start, one in five are developmentally vulnerable.

Expert tips for developing effective outcome measurement programs

Outcome measurement used to be very time-consuming, manual, and inconsistent. Thankfully, technology has made the practice less painful and a lot more efficient. But there are a number of things organizations need to consider to make sure their measurement programs are effective and meaningful.

Latest articles

Stay up-to-date on the latest industry news.

COVID-19 And Its Impact On Funding

Changes to the workforce, the way services are delivered, funding and revenue have all affected a sector that is already resource constrained.

How Outcome Findings Can Help Us To Be More

Having visibility of your program outcomes is a great way to learn what is working and what isn’t. Armed with this information, you learn how to continue.

Choosing The Right Metrics For Your Measurement Project

Metrics help to quantify a program’s outcomes. They act as a signpost indicating whether change has occurred, and the direction of that change.

Latest guides

Meet the organizations using Socialsuite’s impact software and coaching solution to show the change they are making to the world.

Getting Started With Impact Measurement

Socialsuite's guide is designed to help you make sense of outcomes measurement, understand its importance and benefits and get started.

Your Free Outcomes Readiness Toolkit

Socialsuite’s Outcomes Readiness Toolkit has been designed to help nonprofits establish a culture of social outcomes measurement.

Learn How Socialsuite's Impact Technology Can Transform Your Organization

Learn how impact technology can help your organization demonstrates its positive change in the world.


Didn’t find the question you were looking for?

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Why aren't surveys sufficient for outcomes measurement?

Surveying beneficiaries is a great first step, however, they can't offer the deep insight that you need to make service decisions or secure funding. The issue with surveys is that they ask questions at a single point in time, making it hard to prove long-term impact and often manual which can lead to inconsistencies that compromise the integrity of the data.

What is social outcomes measurement?

When we talk about social outcomes measurement, we refer to an evidence-based process that assesses how well a program has achieved its intended results.

How is outcomes measurement different to ESG?

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) factors are used to evaluate a company's sustainability and social impact, and are primarily focused on assessing the risks and opportunities associated with a company's operations, reputation, and long-term financial performance. ESG factors are typically measured through disclosure frameworks and sustainability reports, and are used by investors and other stakeholders to evaluate the sustainability and social impact of companies.

Outcomes measurement, on the other hand, is a broader concept that refers to the process of evaluating the effectiveness of programs or interventions in achieving their intended outcomes. Outcomes measurement is commonly used in the context of social and environmental programs to evaluate the impact of initiatives such as poverty alleviation, education, healthcare, or environmental conservation. Outcomes measurement focuses on evaluating the actual results of programs, such as improvements in health, reductions in poverty, or increases in environmental conservation, and is typically measured through data collection and evaluation methodologies.

While ESG factors and outcomes measurement are related in that they both evaluate the social and environmental impact of organizations, they are fundamentally different concepts. ESG factors are used to evaluate the sustainability and social impact of companies, while outcomes measurement is used to evaluate the effectiveness of social and environmental programs.

What are some considerations a non profit needs to take into account if it wants to track outcomes?

If a nonprofit organization wants to track outcomes, it needs to take several considerations into account. Here are a few:

  • Establish clear goals and objectives: The nonprofit needs to clearly define what it wants to achieve and why it matters. This will help determine the metrics to track and the data to collect.
  • Develop a theory of change: A theory of change is a roadmap that outlines the steps the nonprofit will take to achieve its goals. It helps to clarify the inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impact of the nonprofit's programs and initiatives.
  • Select appropriate outcome measures: The nonprofit needs to select the most appropriate outcome measures to track progress towards its goals. These measures should be relevant, reliable, and meaningful to the nonprofit's stakeholders.
  • Determine data collection methods: The nonprofit needs to determine the best methods for collecting data, whether through surveys, interviews, focus groups, or other means. It should also consider how frequently data will be collected and who will be responsible for collecting it.
  • Establish a system for data management and analysis: The nonprofit needs to establish a system for managing and analyzing the data collected. This may involve creating a database, using data visualization tools, or hiring a data analyst.
  • Use the data to inform decision-making: Finally, the nonprofit needs to use the data to inform its decision-making and improve its programs and initiatives. The data should be regularly reviewed and evaluated to identify areas for improvement and determine what is working and what is not.

What is the difference between an Output and an Outcome?

Outputs are the services, programs and support your organization provides - the activities (or the what) that enable outcomes. Whereas Outcomes refers to the changes that happen as a result of your program, activity or service. They are mostly characterized as a change in circumstance, knowledge, skill, behavior or attitude.

Ready to maximize your organization’s impact?

Whether it’s a public company, a private company, or a charity, Socialsuite has the right solution for you.